Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Whoopdedoo me

So it's my birthday to day, and I'm back north. Sigh, this year I actually thought it would be different, friends instead off relatives to celebrate with. Yes I'm freaking gloomy and shit but I have the right to when I have to go to my cousins stupid pree confirmation thingy on my birthday and most people don't even remember that it IS my birthday. I would settle for a congrats and a hug you know. I miss my friends but at least they are coming to see me in a months time and I'm also planning a trip to Paris in September for all off us so I have that to look forward to. It's gonna be great, walking around looking at famous places and relaxing on a holiday. What could be better than a holiday with you're best mates. Right know only a regular sleeping pattern and maybe 10 million bucks. Though my ultimate wish would be to not have ADHD and Asperger syndrome, life would kinda be easier without it. But there I'm right back to gloomy again so I'm just gonna stop here and go to bed, to toss around for a few hours and then make breakfast. Freaking ADHD bleech, no Silje I have not become a vampire.

Monday, April 09, 2007

A wii Sunday

My blogging has come to a hold and almost stop in the last couple of months, mainly because I have been sick and still sort of is but also because there have been nothing to blog about. My days have mainly been about sleeping, eating and watching TV/playing Sim's. This again because of the sickness. So today was a welcome and lovely change in my "program". Went in to Oslo to meet my sis and some of her friends. Some of which I'm very close to and some I have never met before. So also nice to finally have some faces to go with names and blogs, cause yes I have the tendency to read blogs my sis have links to on her site and so on. That's kinda the point of blogs in my mind, people you don't necessarily know reading them. Anyway we played wii and it was actually more fun than I thought it would be so thinking about saving up for one now. Just have to buy all the other stuff on my list first, like new shoes and a present to my cousin. Money come in and go out quickly thees days, going home on Wednesday though so it will probably be easier to save some money to rainy days then. Instead like things are now when the rainy day come and the money is gone. Life down here are complicated but it do have it's perks. Just hoping it will stop snowing soon so I don't have to go out and make a snow angel, the only sort of angel left in my system.