Sunday, September 03, 2006

What I do for a living.

Well, it's sunday and it's late so I should get ready for bed now since I have to get up at 7.30 tomorow and get to work. But insted I have desided to tell you a bit about where I work and what I do there.
I'm a laboratory assistant at a local college in my town. It sounds realy fancy, but when you got great titles the money is never so great. Just look at carpenters and plummers, they have boring titles but the pay is great (at least in Norway). Annyway I've got a good title but I dont make that much money and I work with sea urchins.
Yeh, that's right sea urchins. The spiny litle creature you find on beaches. But what can I say, the people are nice, the work is varied and I find it interesting. Weird, huh. But I do.
My day mainly consists of feeding, taking care of and watching the sea urchins. When that's taken care of I do whatever that needs to be done, mainly paper work but also a lot of tests and species samples.
So that's what I do for a living.


Anonymous said...

kråkebolla :P rare såm greier egentilg.

Lisepia said...

kråkebolla e creepy :S hehe men du har vell ikke nokka i mot dæm?
gleda mæ! skal snart til gran canaria ^^, stakkars Martin og håkon har ikke vært lenger sør enn til jokmokk :S

Anonymous said...

Sea urchins are not weird or creepy. So I think at least. I think your job is great! Sounds facinating :) I once wanted to be a marine biologist. But time changes and now I know it's a librarian I want to become. Still I love the ocean and almost everything in it :)

"Kråkebolle is a funny word" :o)