I have recently found out I'm crazy. Or I must be that is. The reason for this discovery was when my cousin asked me what I wanted for christmas(a bit early I know but we like to plan ahead, it's an ADHD/ADD thing) and I answered without even thinking about it that I wanted a Molecular Model. It's a building sett containing a lot of small plastic balls and sticks in exact sizes to represent molecules. We had them in science at high school and I thought they were fun, so I would like to own one. I have now had the time to think about it and found out I must be crazy. I want a building set to sit in my spare time and build molecules for fun. If that's not crazy I don't now what. But I still want it, so this would be a big hint to my sis.
That's not crazy. I completely understand why you would want a Molecualar Model. It's fun and pretty! I loved to build molecules in the science room when I took biology at videregående. On the other hand I could sit for hours reading about plants or put things like blueberries, little oranges etc. on "sprit" so it would last "forever". Who's the most crazy? :)
Did you get a molecule set for Christmas by the way?
Sadly no, just have to bye a set for myself then.
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