What time is it right now?
Full name:
Siv Emilie Krane Dybli
Any nicknames?
Don't think so.
Number of lights on your last birthday cake?
Did I have a cake?
One cat, Kaos Domesticus.
Any tattoos ore piercings?
Two inn each ear.
Place of birth?
Bodø hospital, but lived in Narvik.
Favorite holiday place?
Any place with good company.
Ever been to Africa?
Ever stolen a traffic sign?
Ever been in a car accident?
Yes, when I were 16 on a car trip with my parent's to Tromsø. A guy in a amphetamine high came around a corner and lost control. He was driving in 170 km.t.
2 ore 4 door car?
2 door bug, cutest car ever.
Favorite number and color?
13 and any color, only not pink.
Favorite movie?
Too many to mention, Nightmare before Christmas though.
Favorite day of the week?
Any day, like them all.
Favorite song?
No idea. Alanis Morisette and a whole bunch of songs played when I were a child.
Favorite toothpaste?
Don't think I have one, one that doesn't taste too much maybe.
Favorite perfume/cologne:
Know I don't have one.
What do you do when you really wanna relax?
Take a bath.
Favorite place to eat?
My mom's cooking.
Last time in a hospital?
Summer off 2001, car accident.
How many times did you fail your drivers exam?
Haven't tried yet.
What color are the trousers your wearing?
Black, off course.
What are you listening to right now?
The wind and my cat's snoring.
What did you do last night?
Chatting mostly.
What is the last thing you ate?
Biff tartar actually.
Hows the weather where you are right now?
Cold, snowy and lovely.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Can't remember.
What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?
How they act, move and such.
How are you today?
Happy as hell.
What is your favorite thing to drink?
It depends, right now I would love some coffee. But I'm not allowed.
Favorite sport?
None, though I watch anything from time to time.
Hair color?
Reddish brownish, my mom calls it goldy locks.
Sunrise ore sunset?
Comes so quickly thees days that I get to see both wile at work.
Yes, one.
Favorite month(s)?
No, love them all.
Favorite food?
Good food, love pasta.
Last movie you saw?
The Grinch.
Are you to shy to ask someone on a date?
Summer ore winter?
Hugs ore kisses?
Both please.
How do you live and with who?
In a three store big house with my mom and dad, and my cat off course.
What kind of books do you read?
Anyone and anything, if I get to bored I even read the encyclopedia.
Favorite board game?
Ticket to ride and The amazing labyrinth.
Are you romantic?
Would you say your happy?
Are you in love?
Probably, don't know yet.
How is your life in 10 years?
Now idea, I'll tell you then.
What do you do when you are bored?
Watch a movie ore chat.
What is the time now?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
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